A little about sorts.

Many folks across the globe enjoy smoking cigarettes and though cigarettes emerged many centuries ago, they became greatly popular no sooner than in the twentieth century. The masses enjoy smoking cigarettes of various sorts as well as diverse ciggie brands, it seems smokers will continue to smoke despite the ciggie price as well as the harm produced by them. Here are several common cig types:

Cigarettes without filter - such cigarettes do not have such element as filter and for this reason may be burnt from any side. Without filter the type of cigs contain the level of tar as well as nicotine 30-45% higher than the filtered ones, hence they are the most powerful cigarettes and found to be more hazardous.

Filter-tipped cigarettes (or typical cigarettes) - are considered to be not so unhealthy as ciggies without filter. The chief matter ciggie filters are made from is acetate cellulose. Its main purpose is to lessen the amount of smoke, tar and small particles breathed in while smoking.

Light cigarettes - are supposed to have a "softer", not so noticeable savor as usual cigs and folks consider that such cigs have not so much of nicotine and tar. In reality the only dissimilarity between standard and light cigs lies in cigs filters - light cigarettes filters are perforated with little holes that theoretically soften tobacco smoke with considerable amount of pure air.

Flavored cigs - are made by means of aromatized tobacco. They are not very usual and can be met only in special outlets. The tastes such ciggies come with are orange, chocolate, vanilla, cherry and clove.

Menthol ciggies - in this type of ciggies tobacco is blended with menthol - the composition derived from the oil of mint. This matter actuates cold-sensitive nerves without real lowering of the temperature and hence it gives the feeling of cool and clean smoke. In addition menthol is believed to inhibit the excretion of nicotine and thus produces lasting feeling of “wooziness”.

Herbal ciggies - the sort of cigs do not contain tobacco and nicotine, they are produced from diverse herbs and other plant components such as cinnamon, lemongrass and mint. Such cigs are superb cigarettes to be used as a surrogate for those that are desisting from smoking.

Cigs for ladies - actually they are the same as usual ones with a nominal distinction in form - such cigarettes are slenderer. It is believed that they are elegant and accent the fineness because ciggies for men are larger.

Marlboro "biography"

Marlboro is the cigarette trademark produced by PMI since 1924. It is one of the most popular ciggie brands across the world because of its striking advertisement campaign and considerable motorsport sponsorship. Plenty of smokers assume this brand to be the superior cigs owing to the their rich and strong aroma. For this reason without regard to the cigarette cost Marlboro smokers are very devoted to their brand.

Marlboro label is the standard as well as the legend of marketing. This cigarette label is cited as an example when speaking about the effect of efficacious rebranding. Nice soft women's cigarettes in a snow-white pliable bundle transformed into intense cigs in inflexible cover destined for firm and masculine natures.

Marlboro "biography" starts in the middle of the 19th century, when Philip Morris, a British seller of tobacco, had started tobacco factory of his own in London and in 1924 the label as such emerged. The ciggies were intended for self-reliant and prosperous women. Cig filter was of a ruddy coloring, that was invented for the lipstick not to leave red signs on the cig paper. Those days the brand was nice, very feminine and... It didn't sell well. 50s of the twentieth century were marked for the brand with weak sales in the United States - they accounted for only 0. 25 of total tobacco sales. The same ten years academic reports concerning lung cancer and smoking appeared and the sales of all tobacco business fell greatly. And at that time the decision to revitalize the brand was made. Marlboro creators decided to make men the target audience of the trademark positioning the cigarettes as the emblem of manliness, risk as well as adventures. Airmen, cowboys, mariners and sportsmen were the chief figures of the new advertisement tactics. For one year only the sales of Marlboro cigarettes rose more then ten times.

Since 1964 the creators decided to keep only Marlboro Cowboy of the total number of Marlboro temperaments and the cowboy of Marlboro was moved to a beautiful as well as tough fictional Marlboro Country. And by 1972, the brand had been the most well-known cigarettes worldwide and has held this place for most of the following years. In 1993 Marlboro became the most expensive label in the foreign marketplace of consumer products with the market value of 39. 5 billion green-backs.

Today ciggies of this brand occupy the top of the TOP-fifteen of the most famous cigarette trademarks of the world and the realizations of Marlboro trademark are persistently raising each year.

Five pros on taking a smoke in case there are any.

There is an interesting proclivity that may be observed in our enlightened age. Day by day the number of smoking individuals is increasing despite the ciggie costs as well as the volume of money smoking people must spend on the cigs. Notwithstanding doctors' positions on the carcinoma of lung as well as all the caveats of Ministries of Health of all countries cig labels are still selling perfect cigs and earning great sales. The Web is flooded with diverse articles covering cases about the damage cigarette causes, journals as well as books are counselling latest ways of desisting from smoking in one voice. But the number of smokers is steadily increasing…

It has been written a lot about the harm ciggie provokes to our body. Maybe there are several positive sides of smoking?

1. First of all smoking is an activity related to socialization. Many people commence smoking as a step in their growing-up process; they would like to express an objection to the society, prove that they have their own ideas as well as position.

2.   For other people smoking is a method to de-stress themselves. Smoking helps to relax as well as collect oneself; it’s not only the effect produced by nicotine, but the smoking act which helps calm down.

3.  Medical science was never sure about nicotine. On one level - it is a natural pharmaceutical material, on the other - the reason of different troubles. Unlike the politicians (to permit ciggies, to veto cigarettes) science is not guided by common approaches as well as black and white colors. The science is also unemotional; the significant thing here is justice. And the justice is that all four thousand ingredients of the tobacco fume even on the ground of statistics cannot be exclusively dangerous. The environment is more intelligent than those who are studying it, that's why having created tobacco environment has set on the balance both black and white marbles. Several medical studies have proved that smoking may be a background to infirmities of age avoidance, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

4. Nicotine assists in controlling ones heaviness for certain.

5.  Nicotine spurs blood circulation and restores veins. Because of this it gives relief to the people that are suffering from the disturbed circulation as well as to the diabetics.

Here it is indispensable to add that above mentioned facts do not suggest that one should begin smoking with the therapeutic intention. Besides nicotine there are many damaging materials in tobacco. So it is a matter of careful consideration and weighting the pros as well as cons to realize if a person should discontinue smoking or not.

How you can purchase tobacco products online?

Net has simplified many domains of today lifestyle. Today everyone can easily get almost everything he requires in online shops, which grant a lot of outputs, like cigarettes, of course. But a inquiring “How to buy tobacco products online? ” is a unfeigned one for beginners in net buying. In this we should specify that purchasing goods in like shops is always cheaper than purchasing something in classic stores. You can be agreeably astonished by the prices on cigarettes tobacco which are rational and even cheap in such cigarette stores online. Here are some fundamental ways to follow if you want to purchase cigarettes online.

  1.  First thing in the first place employing net search you should find the online stores which are selling cigarette products.
  2. Next scrutiny if the selected online shops propose the trademark you wish. The Search part of the website may support you.
  3.  Then liken the prices on cigarette products at many stores and rein the payment system they work with, payment terms and conditions. 
  4. Thereafter audit the fees for shipping these sites are charging. In some events dependenton the quantity of your buying you can bring a chargeless delivery. But some number of cigarettes shops online can expense fees for each box of your buying. 
  5. Discover how long you should look forward for your best cigarettes brands to be delivered. In cases you are buying these cigarette products as a gift or you want them fast, the time of delivery could play a very important part in selecting the shop.
  6.  You can consult with another people who worked with similar shops to order cigarettes online and find out about the sites they worked with. Word of mouth is usually the best method to find out a reliable and protected website to deal with, as in this situation you can be you won't be deceived. Also these persons may inform you on the time of delivery. 
  7. Now that you have done certain analyze on the Net and have chosen the online store you be able proceed to the very buying. Find out the purchase blank on the selected store and fill in all needed fields. Add the buying. 
  8. Now that you’ve done all appropriated only await for the cigarette products to be shipped and when got revel in your smoking!

 As though, online stores have lots of advantages over traditional ones and these are:  - If it was by now consulted beyond and that will support you to economize few cash. - Such websites are very convenient; you can make an purchase from whatever place you are and every-time you wish. - Stores in internet offer a multiplicity of cigarette tobacco brands to fit, any aroma.

Ciggies commerce in various countries.

Being considered destructive smoking is confined in a lot of places of the world by means of imposition of tax as well as smoking strategies. Due to heavy dues cig costs are rather big in traditional shopes and the only way for the smoker to keep some cash lies in purchasing cigarettes online. If you have never used electronic shopping and don't know how to get ciggies online, web search will help you in it.

Tobacco selling is quite a big business for both crude tobacco components (tobacco leafage) as well as the end product (cigs). The largest importers of tobacco components are the USA as well as Russia, as well as Brazil is the biggest exporter.

In the meantime, in various places around the world selling of tobacco products and cigarettes could in a short time be sanctioned only in drugstores and only by means of prescription. Different places around the world have diverse age restraints on selling of ciggies, in some places of the world it is not allowed to realize ciggies to folks under 18, in others - the age limitation is stretched to 21. For example, in Japan there are even special vending machines that will not allow you to buy cigs without special card stating your age. Though in several countries of CIS having legal support the kind of restrictions are not fulfilled as well as are not in fact checked by the authorities.

The strictest act against smoking was created in the Republic of Finland in 2010, that restrains the availablility of tobacco products in the shops shelves and suppresses smoking spread among youngsters. Giving or selling of tobacco products to under-ages is fined with an onerous penalty or imprisonment for up to six months. This law governs the import of tobacco goods into the state - private individuals are authorized to bring in not more than 30 ciggie packs having the weight of fifty gramm each for private use only, sale of the imported by the individual person cigarettes is forbidden, futhermore it is tabooed even to give cigs as a donation. The strict antismoking embargo has touched both conventional outlets as well as outlets in the Internet trading - online outlets are prohibited to sell tobacco commodities.

Also folks voyaging abroad must inspect the amount of cigs permitted to bring with in order not to be heavyly penalized at custom office.

Thus buying cigarettes in the Internet is sometimes the only way to economize some money as well as have cigs in those countries where ciggies market is not rich or the access to tobacco products is restrained.

Tobacco Advertising and Teens

Why teens are important to tobacco companies' profits and how marketers catch their attention.
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health, and tobacco prevention efforts are everywhere. So why do so many teens continue to do it? Tobacco advertising may impact that decision more than we realize. We know that kids feel peer pressure from other kids in their everyday lives. But the teens and adults in cigarette advertising may be one of the most influential peer groups of all.

Targeting Teens

As they move into their teens, kids often feel insecure about their appearance and their popularity. Cigarette ads use these insecurities to make empty promises. Ads give teens the message that smoking can help them become attractive, desirable, and independent when the reality is quite different. Smoking can cause bad breath and yellow teeth, isolate teens from largely non-smoking peers, and possibly lead to a deadly, lifelong habit.

Toughness and Masculinity

Images such as the Marlboro Man equate smoking with a macho ruggedness that is appealing to men and boys. This theme mirrors the pressures many boys face to be “tough”. Boys may believe that smoking will give them the aura of coolness they are searching for.

Body Image and Femininity

Tobacco companies have specifically targeted women and girls for many years by associating specific brands with slimness. In fact, cigarette advertising often depicts smoking as a weight management tool. This plays into the cultural pressures to be thin that many girls and women experience.

Tobacco Companies Need Kids

There are several reasons why tobacco companies target children and teenagers. In order to keep profits up, new customers need to be recruited to replace the thousands of smokers that die each day. Tobacco companies know that very few people begin smoking as adults; therefore, their best bets for these new customers are kids.
Ads are often geared specifically for teens. They use colorful graphics and images that catch their attention. They run in magazines that have a large teen readership. In stores, cigarettes are often placed close to candy displays and other products popular with kids. Promotional giveaways and tie-ins to sports and music events also increase young people’s exposure to tobacco products.

All of this advertising seems to work. According to The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, most teenagers who smoke use one of the three most heavily advertised brands. Tobacco companies realize that once a teen smokes their brand, they are likely to remain loyal to that brand for the rest of their lives.
Check out the tobacco industry's latest shameful attempt in New Cigarette Targets Girls, and check out ways that you can help in the blog Kick Butts Day is Coming. Also see Teens and Alcopops for information on promoting alcohol to kids.

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