Five pros on taking a smoke in case there are any.

There is an interesting proclivity that may be observed in our enlightened age. Day by day the number of smoking individuals is increasing despite the ciggie costs as well as the volume of money smoking people must spend on the cigs. Notwithstanding doctors' positions on the carcinoma of lung as well as all the caveats of Ministries of Health of all countries cig labels are still selling perfect cigs and earning great sales. The Web is flooded with diverse articles covering cases about the damage cigarette causes, journals as well as books are counselling latest ways of desisting from smoking in one voice. But the number of smokers is steadily increasing…

It has been written a lot about the harm ciggie provokes to our body. Maybe there are several positive sides of smoking?

1. First of all smoking is an activity related to socialization. Many people commence smoking as a step in their growing-up process; they would like to express an objection to the society, prove that they have their own ideas as well as position.

2.   For other people smoking is a method to de-stress themselves. Smoking helps to relax as well as collect oneself; it’s not only the effect produced by nicotine, but the smoking act which helps calm down.

3.  Medical science was never sure about nicotine. On one level - it is a natural pharmaceutical material, on the other - the reason of different troubles. Unlike the politicians (to permit ciggies, to veto cigarettes) science is not guided by common approaches as well as black and white colors. The science is also unemotional; the significant thing here is justice. And the justice is that all four thousand ingredients of the tobacco fume even on the ground of statistics cannot be exclusively dangerous. The environment is more intelligent than those who are studying it, that's why having created tobacco environment has set on the balance both black and white marbles. Several medical studies have proved that smoking may be a background to infirmities of age avoidance, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

4. Nicotine assists in controlling ones heaviness for certain.

5.  Nicotine spurs blood circulation and restores veins. Because of this it gives relief to the people that are suffering from the disturbed circulation as well as to the diabetics.

Here it is indispensable to add that above mentioned facts do not suggest that one should begin smoking with the therapeutic intention. Besides nicotine there are many damaging materials in tobacco. So it is a matter of careful consideration and weighting the pros as well as cons to realize if a person should discontinue smoking or not.