A little about sorts.

Many folks across the globe enjoy smoking cigarettes and though cigarettes emerged many centuries ago, they became greatly popular no sooner than in the twentieth century. The masses enjoy smoking cigarettes of various sorts as well as diverse ciggie brands, it seems smokers will continue to smoke despite the ciggie price as well as the harm produced by them. Here are several common cig types:

Cigarettes without filter - such cigarettes do not have such element as filter and for this reason may be burnt from any side. Without filter the type of cigs contain the level of tar as well as nicotine 30-45% higher than the filtered ones, hence they are the most powerful cigarettes and found to be more hazardous.

Filter-tipped cigarettes (or typical cigarettes) - are considered to be not so unhealthy as ciggies without filter. The chief matter ciggie filters are made from is acetate cellulose. Its main purpose is to lessen the amount of smoke, tar and small particles breathed in while smoking.

Light cigarettes - are supposed to have a "softer", not so noticeable savor as usual cigs and folks consider that such cigs have not so much of nicotine and tar. In reality the only dissimilarity between standard and light cigs lies in cigs filters - light cigarettes filters are perforated with little holes that theoretically soften tobacco smoke with considerable amount of pure air.

Flavored cigs - are made by means of aromatized tobacco. They are not very usual and can be met only in special outlets. The tastes such ciggies come with are orange, chocolate, vanilla, cherry and clove.

Menthol ciggies - in this type of ciggies tobacco is blended with menthol - the composition derived from the oil of mint. This matter actuates cold-sensitive nerves without real lowering of the temperature and hence it gives the feeling of cool and clean smoke. In addition menthol is believed to inhibit the excretion of nicotine and thus produces lasting feeling of “wooziness”.

Herbal ciggies - the sort of cigs do not contain tobacco and nicotine, they are produced from diverse herbs and other plant components such as cinnamon, lemongrass and mint. Such cigs are superb cigarettes to be used as a surrogate for those that are desisting from smoking.

Cigs for ladies - actually they are the same as usual ones with a nominal distinction in form - such cigarettes are slenderer. It is believed that they are elegant and accent the fineness because ciggies for men are larger.