Marlboro "biography"

Marlboro is the cigarette trademark produced by PMI since 1924. It is one of the most popular ciggie brands across the world because of its striking advertisement campaign and considerable motorsport sponsorship. Plenty of smokers assume this brand to be the superior cigs owing to the their rich and strong aroma. For this reason without regard to the cigarette cost Marlboro smokers are very devoted to their brand.

Marlboro label is the standard as well as the legend of marketing. This cigarette label is cited as an example when speaking about the effect of efficacious rebranding. Nice soft women's cigarettes in a snow-white pliable bundle transformed into intense cigs in inflexible cover destined for firm and masculine natures.

Marlboro "biography" starts in the middle of the 19th century, when Philip Morris, a British seller of tobacco, had started tobacco factory of his own in London and in 1924 the label as such emerged. The ciggies were intended for self-reliant and prosperous women. Cig filter was of a ruddy coloring, that was invented for the lipstick not to leave red signs on the cig paper. Those days the brand was nice, very feminine and... It didn't sell well. 50s of the twentieth century were marked for the brand with weak sales in the United States - they accounted for only 0. 25 of total tobacco sales. The same ten years academic reports concerning lung cancer and smoking appeared and the sales of all tobacco business fell greatly. And at that time the decision to revitalize the brand was made. Marlboro creators decided to make men the target audience of the trademark positioning the cigarettes as the emblem of manliness, risk as well as adventures. Airmen, cowboys, mariners and sportsmen were the chief figures of the new advertisement tactics. For one year only the sales of Marlboro cigarettes rose more then ten times.

Since 1964 the creators decided to keep only Marlboro Cowboy of the total number of Marlboro temperaments and the cowboy of Marlboro was moved to a beautiful as well as tough fictional Marlboro Country. And by 1972, the brand had been the most well-known cigarettes worldwide and has held this place for most of the following years. In 1993 Marlboro became the most expensive label in the foreign marketplace of consumer products with the market value of 39. 5 billion green-backs.

Today ciggies of this brand occupy the top of the TOP-fifteen of the most famous cigarette trademarks of the world and the realizations of Marlboro trademark are persistently raising each year.